Guerrilla marketing tactics/ideas are some of the most unexpected, creative and experimental methods of advertising or promoting your event. This kind of marketing campaign aims at amplifying your exposure, attracting large attendees without incurring too much cost for the same. These days big business houses are adopting these tactics to build brand awareness, for example, marketing through publicity stunts, viral videos or stencil graffiti, etc. The main aim of this strategy is to penetrate consumers daily life without letting them realize the same and providing them with a memorable experience.
No scope for going wrong
This kind of marketing technique is connected with clients in the most personal and live manner and hence leaves no room for hit and trial method or the tiniest scope for an error of promotion in it. If these campaigns are poorly executed in an unorganized manner, this could result in annoying the mob and creating an ill image of the brand.
It is recommended to have a thorough understanding of the brand, the event, the theme and the kind of attendees that are expected to be present in the event ground. The focus should be laid on creating and experimenting with the kind of tactics that can feel and fill the enthusiasm and energy into the event. The tactics should focus on educating the people about the product and benefits of the services. These ideas should be a goal for promoting most organically and authentically.
Listed below are a few of the guerrilla marketing ideas that can be used to promote your next event if you are heading a team of workers as an event organizer.
1) Having organized pop up events
Pop up events in the malls, commercial market, or locations with foot traffic are ideal spots for pop up events. These may range from the period of a one-day free program to a week-long week-long event at the physical store for an online shop. These are usually no cost and low-risk events that can create awareness and introduce your products and services to potential clients in the crowd. The personal and one to one connectivity in these events are greatly responsible for bringing in quick results.
2) Social media promotion and website rebranding

Social media channels are the best way to hit the nail right on the spot, and the creative content can go viral in quite a less period on the channels resulting in massive exposure for the brand. Social media marketing can be done through images, videos, and gifs, which can be shared and circulated among brand followers on different channels such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Hashtags trends relating to your events and brand can also be used to attract the people’s response.
This kind of marketing tactics is quite flexible and can adjust to most of the budget constraints. It helps the desired content to reach immediate followers. Catchy and boring graphics, GIFs, slogans and different social media contest are quite helpful in creating buzz for an upcoming event.
Also, you can bring about the changes in the colour of your website theme to promote the selected current theme for the upcoming event for a limited period.
Add landing page with activities, videos or animation video, and other details and the information needed by attendees. Using pop-ups for most commonly used post and pages will help to create awareness among the users for something new and exciting that would be happening in the future soon, couple it with street art to fetch long-lasting results.

3) Bloggers and journalist
It is always recommended to contact well-known bloggers and journalist within the same niche as that of your event and brand. These people can create a good story about your event, and if a celebrity guest, local celebrity guest or local hero can be the chief guest at the event is quite likely to gain its spotlight. So research thoroughly for such genre of journalist and bloggers for your event.
Also, inviting press and offering a Press pass to the interested attendees of the event will help you fire the excitement in the attendees on the scene and behind the scenes too.
4) Loyalty systems
This is one of the most preferred kinds of guerrilla marketing technique using which a scheme is created to reward those clients who have long term association with your brand. Loyalties can be in the form of referral discounts or preferential rates so that the customers get benefited. If the existing attendees would be having excellent incentives for joining the parties, they will tell their friends and buy the tickets at the bargain price. A VIP entry, fast tracks, and backstage passes can also be handed over to a large number of people for bulk order booking so that these would be encouraged for spreading word-of-mouth about the events on the social media channels and in persons. Rewarding the loyalty of the clients to the brand is one of the most commonly used event management strategies that can fire up the success of the event and would also keep the clients coming back to the brand in the future.

5) Stickers and hand on ART installations
Stickers are quite an inexpensive quite method of creating awareness regarding the brand and the event. These can be used on store windows, buses, public transportation, inside elevators and the walls of the commercial building after having a permit for the same. Large size stickers are always a welcoming idea to surprise surprise the prospective clients and audience during the events.
Trending these days is interactive art installations on the hands or tattoo making that can keep the viewers engaged in the action making their experience more personal and memorable. This temporary engagement can be captured by event videography who are professionals videographers that ensures that the highlights come out with high-quality video content. These promotional videos can be used for further promotion on the television or Digital media platforms.
6) Installing the vending machines
Giving away freebies is a quite an interesting method for winning attendees attention and can be a winning strategy for your event. The winners usually talk about the same on their social media pages. The vending machine can provide a business card with every product, which is a good strategy to promote the event because people will not tend to forget where their freebies came from.
Also, this can be mixed up with the traditional advertising methods which will attract attendees. Handing over leaflets and offering some extra knowledge about the product in the event can be a good way of marketing at the comparatively smaller budget.
Using some branded Mini web games is also a good alternative to reduce the amount of organization needed for an event. It can be privileged on a day promoted by the method of earning some benefit codes which would benefit in the gaming, etc.
The list mentioned above is not exhaustive of tactics and includes various other techniques such as giveaways, unique product displays, online newsletters having information regarding the event. These would help promote your event among sure targeted attendees. During such events, event photography can be done through professionals which could be used for promoting the event post-happening on social media platforms.
This could be a great creative and original idea to create a brand, its name and event awareness for the future.